Thursday, December 26, 2013


103. Depending on the context 103 can relate to almost anything, days, weeks, length, height, you name it and you could probably apply the number 103 to it. This number has a specific meaning to me which I will share with you at some point in the future, but for now I'll tell you that 103 is going to be my ambition for 2014.

I am going to do 103 things that I haven't done before! Now, I can't promise that I'll do anything as exciting as jumping from planes or Marathons. They will be new experiences, challenges or just things I haven't ever done that I want to do. 103 things that I will share with you on this blog (I will share other things too). Pop over and check the 103 page and you will see that I have already added a few things to the list, as the year rolls on I hope they all get crossed off.

If you're reading this post make sure to leave a comment and tell me what you want to do in 2014 that you haven't done yet, I might even add it to my list!